This week has been a little rough at C Square Farm. Both of our trucks decided to die at the same time. Thankfully friend and neighbor Emily Hamel was kind enough to lend us her truck so that we could get to and from The Maryland Horse Trials over the weekend. So if anyone knows of a good deal on a big truck … please let us know!
We’ve also had to start foal watch for Believe in the Stars (aka “Bits”) a little earlier than expected … 6 weeks early to be exact. This is less than ideal and we’re very concerned about the health of the foal and Bits. Please keep her in your thoughts as it’s imperative that she keeps her baby inside for a minimum of three more weeks.
On a brighter note, we received a box of goodies from our sponsor BugPellent and wanted to share that with you this week. We’re in the height of bug season on the East Coast, and BugPellent helps to keep our barn fly free.
Remember that Courtney is still offering virtual lessons for those that aren’t able to trailer out for lessons due to COVID19, and payment is on a “pay-as-you-can” basis.
Please be sure to stay in touch, either via phone, email or one of our social media outlets. Let us know how you’re doing … but know that we can’t wait to be able to see you in person soon! And don’t forget to tune into our Facebook page every Tuesday at 12noon for a Facebook LIVE event!
All the best,
Courtney and Neal
PS Don’t forget about our our small business feature in future e-newsletters and on our Facebook page. To participate simply email Margaret with your logo (or other photo) and description, and she’ll take it from there.
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April-December: 350 Lees Bridge Road,
Nottingham, PA 19362