In this season of thanks we wanted to take the time to give thanks to all of those people who help keep C Square Farm going and running well and to help make our lives easier and more full.
From owners and students to buyers and sellers to most importantly our staff and working students throughout the year who have kept the horses happy and the farm running smoothly…Jodi Drake Martone, Ricardo Romero, Daniela Theurel, Elizabeth Kantra, Nica Renee, Jacob Ewing, Sidney Alyse Baughman, Alex Huber, Hannah Kaufer and Hailey Siegel.
Also to our sponsors who have helped us with their products and support – Purina, Voltaire, VTO Saddlery, Sagmae, Samshield, Bugpellent, Success Equestrian, Nupafeed, Deco Pony, Perfect Products and Hit Air
And to our support crew of vets, our farrier Butch Groves, our administrative help, Margaret Rizzo McKelvy, Carly Easton and Molly Hooper Bull we could not do what we do without any of you.
We are blessed beyond belief and we want to thank you all for what each one of you brings to our lives and wish each of you a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!