In only her second horse trials, Panache brought home a red ribbon, finishing in second place at the Novice Level. With Monica Spitzer riding, Panache scored a 33.5 (66.5%) in the dressage and then went to add a clean stadium and cross country jumping rounds. Bringing home a 3rd place ribbon were Hanna and Neal, finishing on their dressage score of 40 at the Training Level.
Also competing were Kristen Crane on Partner and Monica on Boaz. Kristen put in her best dressage score of the season and added clean stadium and cross country jumping rounds to finish in 10th place at the Novice Level. Monica and Boaz placed 2nd after the dressage test and then added a clean stadium jumping round. Unfortunately, they had some trouble on the cross country course, adding 20 points for a refusal, and finished out of the ribbons.